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Adele completed her Level 2 Apprenticeship last year, and has progressed onto the Advanced Apprenticeship in Exercise and Fitness which will equip her with more in-depth knowledge and experiences, preparing her further for the workplace.

Studying an Apprenticeship appealed to Adele because of the opportunity to earn, learn and gain on-the-job experience. Adele currently works in the gym at Eastleigh College four days a week and studies at college for one day a week. This is a great combination for her to learn new skills and put her knowledge into practice, as well as using her experiences at work to help her studies.

An Apprenticeship was the right career path for Adele who explains how it has benefitted her. “Not only am I actually doing the job I’m learning about, but it has taken me out of my comfort zone because it’s given me the opportunity to work with adults, adapt my behaviour accordingly and become more mature.”

“If I did A-Levels I wouldn’t have had the experience of working in a gym with a variety of people.”

A typical day for Adele includes showing people how to use equipment, managing gym memberships, scheduling and running fitness classes and ensuring the gym is being used safely.  

The support and guidance Adele receives from her lecturers is second to none. At the start of her Apprenticeship she was trying to crack which learning technique best suited her personality, but to overcome this, college staff worked closely on her study skills. Adele explains, “The teaching is outstanding. It took me a while to understand how I learned best, but through my lecturer showing me different techniques, which I didn’t know about before, I have now found a learning style which works for me."

The Apprenticeship was a great opportunity to get a qualification and work experience, and it’s boosted my confidence in the process.


The on-the-job training that Adele has received, has given her an understanding of what is expected in this area of work, and also the opportunity to work out if it is something she enjoys doing. She continues, “It has shown me that you shouldn’t settle for something you don’t enjoy, and I now know from a young age, that I want to continue my career in this area of work because I’m already doing it and enjoy it.”

The future is bright for Adele, who would like to pursue a career in sport and this particular qualification has opened up many doors. Two career paths Adele would like to explore include personal training on cruise ships and teaching sport to school children.

If you’re interested in a career in Sport and Fitness, our courses prepare you for both employment and further study at University. Visit our careers page to find out more about range of full-time courses and Apprenticeships, or call 023 8091 1299 to speak to one of our friendly advisors.