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Industry placements and Work experience allows our learners to develop and practice new skills in an industry environment, preparing them for their next steps after college.

As an organisation, supporting a learner with their work experience or industry placement, it can benefit you in many ways including:

  • Developing your employee’s management skills through assigning the learner to them.
  • Grow your knowledge by taking on people full of energy, new ideas and digital know-how.
  • A great low-cost recruitment strategy to trial young talent to see if they would be right for an apprenticeship or job opportunity.
  • Receiving exposure of your organisation across Eastleigh College’s marketing channels and invites to our employer networking events.
  • No cost to your organisation as you do not have to pay the learner.

Industry Placement Opportunities

We are looking for industry placements (minimum of 315 hours) across all our full time courses. 

The Government sees industry placements as a “shift from traditional work experience to a longer, more substantial, period of time in the workplace”.

Work Experience Opportunities

We are looking for work experience placements (minimum of 35 hours) in all of our subject areas. Work experience is designed to give the learner an opportunity to try a desired industry before committing to an industry placement.

Pre-placement for Industry Placements

To ensure that your organisation and our learners get the most out of the industry placement, we will support you with the following:

  • Developing the learners’ industry placement objectives template, ensuring it includes a set of stretching learning goals, the agreed working pattern and key activities the learner will be undertaking on placement relevant to the occupational specialism at Level 3, the minimum starting requirements and the required prior knowledge of the learners.
  • Complying with health and safety legislation and maintain up-to-date employer’s liability and public liability insurance to cover the learners and any potential loss or liability caused by or to the learners in relation to the placement.
  • Signing the industry placement agreement and commit to adhering to the guidelines set out in this guidance and provide a meaningful placement experience for the learner.
  • Ensuring the appropriate safeguards are in place to ensure a safe working environment for the learner.
  • Consider the reasonable adjustments required by learners with SEND.
  • Identifying an appropriate staff member to task manage or supervise the learners whilst on placement. This should ideally be someone who has experience in training within the specialist area.

Does work experience or an industry placement sound like a great opportunity for your organisation? Fill in our expression of interest form and a member of our work experience team will be in contact.

Using our Grofar System

The Grofar system allows us to process all placements electronically, following all policies and procedures to keep all learners safe.

Benefits for employers:

  • Receive clear communications and directions for delivering work placements

  • Save time by responding to college requests for information through simple e-forms

  • Submit all applications and supply Health & Safety documents online

  • Validate all student hours weekly using a simple online form

  • Have full control over the opportunities they provide

  • Are involved and engage more with the work placement process

Click here to download the Grofar Employer Supporter Guide

Industry Placements & Work Experience Expression of Interest