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The information we collect about you and why we collect it

As part of your visit to the College we use Closed-circuit Television (CCTV) at our buildings for the purposes of crime prevention, security and health and safety and, accordingly, will capture imagery of visitors to the College.

The legal basis on which we collect and use your personal information

Except in the circumstances highlighted below, we process this information on the basis of our legitimate interests:

  • we have a legitimate interest in wishing to interact with you to manage and operate effectively our College and to ensure that the College is safe and secure for all persons visiting
  • to be able to do so, we need to understand details of who is in the building and to be able to communicate with them

Where we are required by law to hold certain records, then we collect and hold those records to comply with that legal obligation.

How long we keep your personal information

CCTV recordings are kept for 7 days.

How we share your personal information

We may share the personal information that you give us if there is a lawful reason for the request as shown below.

Type of organisation Reason
Police To assist the Police with their investigation into criminal activity.
Insurance Providers To assist with your or our insurance claims.

How we transfer your personal information outside Europe

We do not store or transfer your personal data outside Europe.

Automated decisions we take about you

We do not make automated decisions using this information.

Your rights

You have a number of rights over your personal information, which are:

  • the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you are unhappy about the way your personal data is being used – please refer to the ICO’s website for further information about this (;
  • the right to ask us what personal information about you we are holding and to have access to a copy of your personal information;
  • the right to ask us to correct any errors in your personal information; 1
  • the right, in certain circumstances such as where our use of your personal information is based on your consent and we have no other legal basis to use your personal information, to ask us to delete your personal information;
  • the right, in certain circumstances such as where we no longer need your personal information, to request that we restrict the use that we are making of your personal information;
  • the right, in certain circumstances, to ask us to review and explain our legitimate interests to you;
  • the right, where our use of your personal information is carried out for the purposes of an agreement with us and is carried out by automated means, to ask us to provide you with a copy of your personal information in a structured, commonly-used, machine-readable format.

Changes to our privacy policy

We keep our privacy policy under regular review and will update it from time to time to make sure it remains up-to-date and accurate.